Hoje cerca das 12 horas, o Senhor Ministro do Ambiente, Francisco Nunes Correia, dicursou na sessão plenária da COP-14 entre os seus congéneres da Bélgica e do Egipto. O discurso original e na íntegra aqui no blog da Quercus:
Mr. President,
Let me first associate myself with the statement made by France on behalf of the EU. Last year in Bali we agreed on an historic roadmap to enable the full, effective and sustained implementation of the Convention, thus providing political guidance for meeting the challenges posed to us by the climate crisis.
The Bali Roadmap takes into account the different role each of us has to play, based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and on each Party’s responsibilities and respective capabilities.
We have had a busy and fruitful year. We addressed all issues under the Bali Action Plan and assessed many approaches and heard many points of view. The wealth of such views has provided us with a foundation for the remaining year up to Copenhagen.
Differences still subsist. Difficult issues remain to be tackled. The road ahead is no doubt hard.
But, as the Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC said in his opening address to this Conference nearly two weeks ago, “in the middle of every difficulty lies opportunities” urging us all to focus on what unites us, rather than what divides us.
I am convinced that a better understanding of each others’ views has emerged from this year’s discussions, laying solid foundations for the crucial year ahead.
Colleagues, we meet once again one year later here in Poznan, to take stock of the progress made throughout 2008 and to provide the political impetus to the remaining work as of now and in 2009 as we continue on course to Copenhagen.
Let us ensure that coming out of Poznan we, the international community, send a clear message that we remain committed to urgently addressing the climate crisis.
Delaying action now will only make future action more costly and increase our vulnerability to dangerous climate change impacts.
Mr. President,
It is now time to step-up the pace and shift into full negotiating mode in 2009. Nothing else is expected from us leaving Poznan.
As our discussions on the shared vision in the round table yesterday have shown, there is already broad convergence on a number of elements. Differences remain, but we have had an important political exchange which will now be carried forward into next year.
Portugal considers the shared vision, firmly based on global solidarity, is an essential, overarching element of our common efforts. It should further specify the ultimate objective of the Convention in a common and shared understanding on putting the world on a pathway towards a low carbon society.
For us this translates into a reduction of global emissions of, at least, 50% from 1990 levels by 2050, which means that global greenhouse gas emissions will have to peak by 2020 and decline thereafter.
This, Mr. president, we believe to be consistent with the scale and urgency of the climate crisis, as outlined by the IPCC in its fourth assessment report.
Many have referred the present context of the financial crisis and we echo the words of those that believe this should not side-track us from our goal. We see in these twin challenges – the financial and the climate crisis – an opportunity to explore new mutually reinforcing innovative options.
Mr. President,
Last year Bali provided us with a Roadmap for negotiations. One year later, Poznan must clearly restate the global community’s commitment to deliver on the climate challenge in Copenhagen.
As the Secretary General of the UN said yesterday in is address to us, we need to make the coming year the year of climate change.
The eyes of the world are upon us. It is upon us all to ensure that we make way for an agreement in Copenhagen in a year time.
Thank you.